Monday, June 29, 2009

Laney's Summer

So far, Laney has been having a good summer. She is sixteen months old today, so I thought I would post some pictures of the last month and what she has been up to...

Here she is swimming with her friend Sophia in Aunt Lori's pool. She just spent the week with the Giebelhausen family last week and loves Kylie, my thirteen year old cousin. She wakes up in the morning and says, "Ky Ky?"
She says "cheese" for the camera now (isn't it cute how she wrinkles up her nose?).

Laney loves playing outside and loves to play with balls. Trenton is nice enough to share his soccer ball and his kickball with her whenever she wants to play with them. What a good big brother he is! She is very busy, so whoever goes outside with her has to be very fast to keep up! Laney also loves to push her baby in her baby stroller. She puts her head down and goes really fast!

She is learning to brush her teeth. She really does not like anyone else to help her do it (really, are we at this stage already?). Also, this happens to be a picture with her first ponytail, which she ripped out of her hair shortly after the picture was taken.

Grandma Veralyn found this yellow playhouse at a garage sale. Laney loves it!! She gives her baby a bath in the sink and plays peekaboo with the shutters on the windows. On Sunday we were leaving for church, and she went out and got into her house and did not plan on coming with us at all. She is Miss Independent already!

Here she is with her oldest cousin Camden. Aren't they cute? Laney really does not share with Camden very well. She also hits him. Poor Camden, he is so sweet and Laney is kind of bossy. (Basically it is Little Derek meets Little Jana - Sorry Camden).

Laney LOVES to dance and sing. (Mommy can't wait until it's time for dance lessons - just two more years! She has started counting (she says, "Seben, Eight, Four, Four). Also, Daddy taught Laney how to say, "That's mine." one night when he was playing with her. She now takes other children's things and says, "That's mine." (Way to go Dad!) We are having lots of fun watching her grow! Stay tuned for more posts. We are going to Wisconsin Dells on July 1st so we will have new vacation posts of the kids!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Missouri Trip - Part 2

Sorry it has taken a little here is part 2 to our Memorial Day Missouri Trip. Each year, the Giebelhausen family heads to my Aunt Lori and Uncle Jeff's home in the Ozarks. Laney was actually old enough to enjoy it this year.
Laney was not sure about it at first...

But then she put on her swimsuit...

And she enjoyed swimming and blowing bubbles in the water!

Here is Trent getting ready for a boat ride...

Swimming in the lake with Kylie...

And later on tubing with Dad and Kylie!!!

Trenton took this one of us...

And here is our little family.

We had a great time again this year! Thanks again Jeff and Lori for having us!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Look who is growing up!

So Delaney is now 15 months old! Where does the time go? She is literally running everywhere. She says about ten animal sounds now. She can say mouth, eyes, and nose and point to them. She recently learned elbow too and likes to point out everyone's "belbow"! She is so friendly. When we go out in public, say to a restaurant, she likes to say hi and wave to eveyone that walks by. She likes being goofy with her brother. Laney likes to go on walks and look for puppy dogs and gets so very excited when we find one! She does have a pretty good appetite, but she still does not weigh enough to turn the carseat to face forward. She loves to sing songs for Daddy and is always saying "mama" to make sure I am not too far away! Here is our pretty girl!

Missouri Trip - Part 1

So sorry it has been a while. Well, we took a trip to Missouri over Memorial Day weekend. Our first stop was the St. Louis zoo on Friday. Here are some pics from there. As you can see, Delaney wanted "down" which is her new favorite word. Here she is running around inside the house with all of the monkeys. It was definitely her favorite animal.
Here is Trenton with his favorite animal, but not a real one.

Laney liked to lead the way.

We were inside the house of amphibians looking at the froggies.

Overall it was a fun time!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

We had such a great Mother's day! We went to church, had family over for a cookout and spent the day with Mom (Jana). We love her so much and all she does for us! She's definitely the center of our family and keeps us all moving, on our toes, and gets us all where we need to go on time! We are all so blessed to have her! Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out there...and to our Mom...We Love you!!!
-Scott,Trenton & Delaney

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Tooth Incident

So yesterday morning, I was working in one of my foster homes talking to one of my foster parents. I got into the car and had like six missed calls on my cell. Long story short, Trenton had fallen in gym class and broken one of his two front teeth in half. Basically it was half as long as it used to be. Poor kid! So I met Scott at the dentist and took over because he had to get back to work. I do have to say Trenton was a trooper. The dentist was great too. After he took the x-ray, Trenton was like, "Can I get a copy of that please and thank you?" Then before my very eyes, in about thirty minutes, Trenton's tooth was as good as new! They couldn't save the pieces to his original tooth, but they made it so he will be fine until he is a teenager! Amazing! So here is the golden smile. Can you tell which tooth was the broken tooth? If you can't tell, why should we?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Delaney's 1st year photo shoot

For those of you who did not see Delaney's first year pictures, here are some of the ones we ordered. Kelli and Greg Drake did a great job. They came to our house and followed my daughter around which made Delaney more comfortable to be in her own environment. Check out their website at for more of their beautiful work!

Isn't she pretty?